Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Learning Craving Control

For many people, food cravings are kryptonite: As soon as a person starts yearning for bread or cookies, they feel as if their whole diet is shot and down the drain. However, there are ways to not only lessen the number of cravings a person has but to deal with the cravings when they do turn up. The following are some tips for learning how to control cravings.

Avoid Danger Zones

If you want to control cravings, you need to stay away from places that trigger these urges. For example, if you know that being near ice cream will make you crave it, then you should stay away from places that serve or advertise it.

Additionally, you should remove dangerous products from your home. Having a weakness for chocolate is normal, but if you want to control cravings, then you should remove all traces of this from your home. This way, when you have these urges, it won't be so easy to indulge in them. If you don't have what you're craving, you will be less likely to go out and find it: This takes time and energy. Hopefully, if you have eliminated the dangerous foods from your home, you will be one step closer to mastering craving control.

Keep Healthy Snacks Around You

People generally experience cravings because they are hungry. If you snack throughout the day and ensure that your snacks are healthy, you will experience fewer cravings. This in turn helps a person learn how to control cravings when they do come around.

Additionally, a great thing to try is to drink tea when you are experiencing cravings. Tea is a healthy alternative to many foods and is also filling. Also, if you drink tea, you may start to feel more alert and may find yourself distracted. Thus, tea is also a great mode of craving control.

Water is also a great way to fill up in a natural way. If you are craving something like ice cream, try downing a cold glass of water. This may be just what you need to appease your cravings and to stay away from the offending item.

Get Up and Do Something

If you find yourself fantasizing about a cheeseburger, try to distract yourself by doing something to block out this thought. For example, try going to a museum or hitting the gym. If your mind is occupied, then you will have a better shot with craving control than if you sat around and doodled about your dream foods.